By ;   GARY  - K9SG


May 12, 2006                                     


A great program on the Famous Peter One DX trip was put on by Dr. Gary Stouder  K9SG.


With 86,888 QSO from Antarctica and being gone 5 weeks Gary gave us the inside on the trip.


Everyone was on the edge of their seat and you could hear a pin drop as we learned of the various

 experiences.  This was the #4 most wanted DX spot on the List.  Twenty one Hams and a travel

visitor were on the trip with a total of 500 years of Ham experience and average age of 52.


Eleven days were spent on the island and 10 days on the ship.  Some of the experiences were

very unique and fortunately no one had any major injuries.  They traveled 1000 miles on the

ship and the helicopter made 150 trips from the ship to the island.  The cost of the helicopter

was $3000 per hour.  Now you can see why this was the most expensive DX event of about



Some of the key facts:


Two tents  Operations A & B  Double Layer about  10 Ft. x 15 Ft.

Nine Rigs: Icom  756 Pro III and Alpha 99 KW Amps.  Also EME & Sat.

41.5 KW generators    4 Hondas & 5 others.

4  2 EL  Step IR Antennas 

3 Days at first no Toilet

3 Days low food.   Only cookies, oatmeal & fruit cocktail

2 Space Station QSO

20M  25,468 QSO       40 M  12,944 QSO

14 People in one tent on first day.   Low Temp 25 Deg  36 Deg high.

65 MPH winds putting up one tent.  Took  6 Hours  vs   2-3 hours normally.

They stored the meat in the snow outside the tents.  ( No animals on the island)

Visited R1ANF  Russian WX station.  ( Many of us have worked this station)

XR9A was call on ship for early QSO’s.


For further information see the  web site, they also have a gift shop now

and items can be ordered to help support this great expensive DX Expedition.


See Gary’s latest QRZ.COM  k9SG site for his latest photo!


Thanks Gary for a great review of your interesting trip. We’re glad your home safe and sound!


Article by….Bob Osterhous    W9PSE; IRC  Asst. News editor




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